Disclaimer: Prices and stocks are subject to change depending on retailer.


Bulk Order Form

Hello, Angel Negosyo Partners! We’re here for your culinary milk needs for your negosyo! The minimum order requirement for bulk order is 1 case or 24 cans. You may include assorted Angel products to form 1 case. For orders less than 24 cans, you may buy from Lazada or Shopee

We are currently servicing select cities for now. If your location is not in the list, your area is not yet serviceable by our distributors. In the meantime, you may order from Lazada or Shopee or in supermarkets near you.

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Thai Milk Tea

Difficulty Easy
Preparation Time 30 minutes
400ml water
tbps Thai milk tea leaves(Cha TreMue Brand)
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup Angel Coffe Creamer
1/4 cup Angel Condensada
1/4 cup Angel Evaporada
4 cups Ice,cracked into small pieces


  1. In a small pot,add water and bring to a boil over medium high heat.Reduce heat to slow simmer and add Thai milk tea leaves and sugar bring to a gentle simmer for 3 minutes.Remove from to heat and set aside to cool.

  2. Allow to tea to steep for 15 minutes before straining using a fine mesh.

  3. To assemble , fill a small pitcher with Thai tea,add Angel coffer Creamer,condensada and evaporada.Mix well until combined and creamer is completely dissolved.

  4. Fill tall glasses with cracked ice and pou milk tea mixture. Best enjoyed immediately.



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Disclaimer: Prices and stocks are subject to change depending on retailer.